Candid's from Bethan and Scott's Wedding
When I'm not out there shooting, my Saturday mornings usually consist of the less glamorous side of a photography business namely, organising folders, making my weekly backups, formatting cards and checking maintaining and calibrating my kit. In the process of undertaking the above today I found these beautiful images which I just had to share ...
I snapped these candid's at my cousin Bethan's wedding a good couple of years back. I love family gatherings, particularly since regrettably it's not often that we all get together to catch up and have fun. As a wedding photographer, I find it really hard to leave my camera at home , but recognise that I really don't want to be the 'Uncle Bob' (click here for the explanation). Wherever I go one of my DSLR's with at least two lenses and a lightmeter always come with me so having a camera on me is part of my life ... I just can't go anywhere without one. DSLR's are a fantastic devices, allowing you to take almost unlimited amounts of beautiful high quality images wherever you are - therefore they are not good to take to family weddings !!! To slow myself down, when I go to family weddings I take a very basic film camera with one lens and two rolls of film. This just 72 exposures to hand this really makes you slow down and stops me from clacking away all day !!! And this is exactly what these images are ... I took my ultra basic Nikon F50 which I've had for years and years (the very device that got me 'into' photography) a 50mm f/1.8 lens and two rolls of Fuji Neopan 400 CN. I just love 400CN - such a beautiful high contrast film - the blacks are deep and the whites are bright, with amazing dynamic range ... and this my friends is why I still love film - the dynamic range is sooooo much better than DSLR's even my fondly loved Full Frame Nikon's. All of these shots were metered using the Sunny F16 (click here for the explanation) rule to back calculate to enable me to shoot most of these under f/2.5 as I don't always trust the meter in older basic 35mm SLR's - I even leave my trust Seknonic L358 at home ! It worked a treat despite the very bright midday sun.
So nice looking back of these pics of all of the family together ... anyhow just thought I'd share them - makes me want to go out and shoot some film !